Monday, March 30, 2009

Wordle word cloud of SROJ v2.0

I heart data visualization!  I knew, back in school, that someday they would invent awesome ways to visualize complex data using technology, like all 3D and animated.  That day is here!  There was even an article about in Ad Age recently.  Data visualization is trendy!  Wow!  Something I like is trendy!!

There's the supercool Google Trendanalyzer or Gapminder or whatever they call it these days.  And the nifty little Google Visualization APIs.  I like that you can add some of them as "gadgets" here. has a lot of cool visualizations.  You can make your own in their Visualization Lab, or IBM's Many Eyes project, which are the same thing.

This is a word cloud of the entire contents (titles and post text) of The Swift Rod of Justice v2.0, generated at  Apparently, I say "like" a lot.  I'm real proud that "fuck", "cocks", "sex", ass" and "ninjas" made it in there.  Suck on that, FasCists!  I repeatedly violated your guidelines and managed to get away with it.  Just like I said I would.   

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sasha Grey & March of the Penguins mashup photo

Photos of Porn star Sasha Grey and a scene from "March of the Penguins", mashed up using two iPhone apps, OilCanvas and DoubleExposure.  X-rated overlayed upon G-rated.  Pretty!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Concerning the Historie and Nature of wiretherapy

"Wire Therapy" is a very strange and disturbing short film made by very strange and disturbing artist Shaye Saint John.

I created wiretherapy on FastCupid via nerve in 2005.  Then FC disabled my email and deleted my video intro, citing my "repeated excessive use of profane language" on the blogs.  I didn't want them to delete my new video intro, so I created wiretherapy2 and posted all the profanities from there.  

But then FC started to charge money for previously free features like looking at full-size photos and videos.  And now you can't read the blogs unless you log in.  It was all just pissing me off, so I created a place where anybody can freely access my photos, video and blogs.  Welcome!

I couldn't be "wiretherapy" here because there is another wiretherapy on blogspot.  Goddammit.  I hate that guy.  I didn't want to be wiretherapy2 again, so I'm wiretherapy3 now.

FC is the worst-run site ever. Hopefully this place is better.