Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Slackerdom vs. Religious Teachings on Sex Infographic

Slackerdom says, "Whatever you digs, go for it, dude." However, Slackerdom gets all fascist on your ass about sex changes. Those are absolutely mandatory, and best of all, absolutely free! So shut up, and get into those stirrups.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Kings of Leon, I divorce thee

<--2004 - Cool
<--2009 - Uncool

I have dissolved my future plans to wed Kings of Leon, due to their recent mainstream overexposure and increasingly misguided fashion judgment. I mean look at the new hair. What is this? It's criminal. And the clothes? It's like their stylist outfitted the band entirely in G-Star Raw apparel, making them look completely gay. GSR is cool but you have to like, mix it up with ratty Ts and vintage consignment store stuff, otherwise it looks like you're trying too hard. And you can't pull off GSR outfits unless you're svelete, and these guys are starting to look bloated, doubtless from all the drinking and partying with fashion models. Plus, they're not really blowing me away as a band anymore. They used to be fresh and tight but now they're sloppy and boring. So I break up. Can somebody please let them know? Thanks.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

My dead uncle on YouTube

I was Googling my mom a while ago, to prove to someone she did voiceovers for a famous anime series in Japan.  And I accidentally came across an article about my uncle dying from cancer.  He himself was a voiceover actor, much more famous than my mom.

Well shit.  I'll be damned.  My uncle's dead.  

Ah, uncle.  I hardly knew ye.

I rarely saw him growing up.  He was busy, for one thing - his voice was in commercials, talk shows, dubbed movies and what not, every day.  Like literally, every day.  Also, he was more or less estranged from our family.  I don't blame him.  My mom's side of the family's weird.  Dad's side's just as weird, actually.  I mean look how I turned out.

I recently Googled him again.  I had no idea he dubbed for James Bond and The Holy Grail! There's a ton of clips of him on YouTube now.  So I spent a day watching him on YouTube.  There's one from the 70s where he's on a well-known talk show.  The host says she's always respected him for his candor.  They talk about how he opted to manage himself rather than hire a manager - a very unusual and expensive option.  

No way!  He sounds totally cool.  Complete opposite of the rest of my family, who, as far as I knew, deemed candor and individualism to be vices.  No wonder uncle blew them off.  I can relate, I don't like them much, either.  So I defected to the other side of the planet.  Best life decision ever!

Cancer, huh.  That sucks.  I hope he didn't suffer too much.  There are tons of better ways to die.  There are also tons of worse ways to die.  I hope mine will be relatively benign, but you never know.  Ah well.  I'm not sad.  Loss and suffering sadden me, but not death.  

I don't much believe in posthumous "legacies", either.  When you're dead, you're gone.  You don't "live on" through legacies (let alone afterlives or reincarnations!).  People with prominent legacies don't "live on" any more than people who are nobodies.  Ha!  Silly humans.  Always trying to come up with belabored fantasies of immortality.  Don't they know denying death just makes you even more afraid of death?

So, yes.  My uncle's dead. I see death on the news all the time, but this hits home a little closer.  It reminds my of my ultimate goal in life - to be completely ready for death, and embrace it when it comes.  Thanks, uncle, for reminding me.  Even though you're like, dead and everything.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Homophobia makes you fat

Are you fat?  Well, maybe you should stop being so homophobic.

This is a scatterplot of U.S. religious groups, plotted by % of people that are obese (BMI 30+), and % of people that "agree" or "strongly disagree" with the statement "Same-sex relations are wrong."

Interesting.  Looks like if you're homophobic, you're more likely to be fat.  Homophobia seems to explain a quarter of the variance in obesity rates.  

Ah, I knew it.  It's clear that God hates homophobes, and is punishing them by making them fat.  Or maybe God hates fat people, and punishes them by making them homophobic.

No, really.  Anyone have an explanation for this homophobia-obesity connection?

I do.  It's really simple.  

Obesity is related to poverty.  Poverty is related to low education.  Low education is related to homophobia.

Low obesity is related to wealth.  Wealth is related to high education.  High education, to less homophobia.

It's the economy, stupid.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

If some douchebag hadn't burned down the Library of Alexandria…

The iPhone would've been invented by at least like, 20 years ago.  And I would've had one in high school.  Aaaaargh!  Stupid douchebags.  


Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Grand Unified Theory of Slackerdom

I went to school with a bunch of overachievers and now I work with a bunch of overachievers. I often get mistaken for one, because I work hard when I need to work hard. But no matter how hard I work, I'll always be a slacker at heart.

My dad and his dad my grandpa were a couple of overachievers. They pretty much achieved as much as they possibly could. They hit the top. Missions accomplished. So I don't really feel the need to like, be all achievement-oriented.

Because, what's the point of hard work and achievement? If you asked my dad or grandpa, they'd say something like "So our progeny could have the best." See, they were doing it so I could have an easier life. So why can't I just have an easier life? I can. It's a rare gift, and I intend to make the most of it.

Partly by slacking off. I love slacking off. I make slacking off an art form.

But also by not following the achievement-focused precept followed by most people in this country, as well as my home country. If you've heard of the Hofstede's cultural dimensions, it's the most like their "Masculinity (MAS)" dimension. Japan, in fact, is the most "masculine" country. I am way at the super-super feminine end of the spectrum. I couldn't give a rat's ass about achievement, control, and power, I hate power structures, and I think all gender roles are just excuses for socially legitimizing sublimated opposite-sex/homosexual/transexual/intersex/whatever-phobia. Yeah. There's a reason why I left that country, love it as I may.

Anyway, being achievement-oriented comes with great rewards, but also great costs. You often have to put work before life. You age faster, both body and mind. You should see my dad, all old and grey. And grandpa, rumored to die any day now. Congrats to both of you! Both captains of your industry. But you still couldn't keep the one thing you really, really wanted to keep - me. They really, really didn't want me living in the U.S. for some reason. But I got away. Woohoo!

Plus, you have to put up with a lot of bullshit when you're achievement-oriented. Kiss ass, ingratiate yourself to those in charge, hide any resentment, say things you don't really mean. See, I don't mind working hard, but it's this kind of bullshit I really don't care for.

But then why should I? I have a rare gift. The gift of not really ever having to worry about money, which means not really ever having to kiss ass or ingratiate myself to douchebages or say things I don't mean. Plus, I'm curious how it turns out if I stick it out. Anyway, that, in a nutshell, is the basis of The Grand Unified Theory of Slackerdom.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Motion chart: Sugar Consumption x Obesity by Country (2004)

I gained 30 pounds when I moved from Japan to the U.S.

How do the Swiss stay so thin?? With all their chocolate. Mmmmm, chocolate.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Pot smokers are charitable and rich

Woohoo!  I just got all the questions correct on the Marijuana and Health Risks Quiz on ("Parents.  The anti-drug.").  I rock!  That site has some cool stuff.  If you're out of green and jonesing, you could take a virtual tour of marijuana's effects on the brain instead.

I wonder if people get emphysema or COPD or some other kind of chronic respiratory problem just from smoking pot.  I've never heard of a case. Probably hard to say since most pot smokers also smoke cigarettes.

So, which country has the most pot smokers?  New Zealand, according to  Nationmaster also says cannabis use correlates with volunteering and wealth, r2=0.6-0.7.  Amphetamine use, on the other hand, seems to predict exports.  It's all just based on about 20 countries, but it's funny how it fell out.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Wordle word cloud of SROJ v2.0

I heart data visualization!  I knew, back in school, that someday they would invent awesome ways to visualize complex data using technology, like all 3D and animated.  That day is here!  There was even an article about in Ad Age recently.  Data visualization is trendy!  Wow!  Something I like is trendy!!

There's the supercool Google Trendanalyzer or Gapminder or whatever they call it these days.  And the nifty little Google Visualization APIs.  I like that you can add some of them as "gadgets" here. has a lot of cool visualizations.  You can make your own in their Visualization Lab, or IBM's Many Eyes project, which are the same thing.

This is a word cloud of the entire contents (titles and post text) of The Swift Rod of Justice v2.0, generated at  Apparently, I say "like" a lot.  I'm real proud that "fuck", "cocks", "sex", ass" and "ninjas" made it in there.  Suck on that, FasCists!  I repeatedly violated your guidelines and managed to get away with it.  Just like I said I would.   

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sasha Grey & March of the Penguins mashup photo

Photos of Porn star Sasha Grey and a scene from "March of the Penguins", mashed up using two iPhone apps, OilCanvas and DoubleExposure.  X-rated overlayed upon G-rated.  Pretty!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Concerning the Historie and Nature of wiretherapy

"Wire Therapy" is a very strange and disturbing short film made by very strange and disturbing artist Shaye Saint John.

I created wiretherapy on FastCupid via nerve in 2005.  Then FC disabled my email and deleted my video intro, citing my "repeated excessive use of profane language" on the blogs.  I didn't want them to delete my new video intro, so I created wiretherapy2 and posted all the profanities from there.  

But then FC started to charge money for previously free features like looking at full-size photos and videos.  And now you can't read the blogs unless you log in.  It was all just pissing me off, so I created a place where anybody can freely access my photos, video and blogs.  Welcome!

I couldn't be "wiretherapy" here because there is another wiretherapy on blogspot.  Goddammit.  I hate that guy.  I didn't want to be wiretherapy2 again, so I'm wiretherapy3 now.

FC is the worst-run site ever. Hopefully this place is better.